My name is wahyu immawan. My short name is wawan. I am from Pantenan-Panceng. I am number 1 of my brothers. I am 13 years old. I am student at SMPN 1 Sidayu. Now, I stay in TPRU cottage.
I have a family. My family in Pantenan village. Now, My father in Malaysia. My mother is a farmer. Now, she is growing kinds of vagetable and sometimes corn and peanut. I have 1 brother. his name is Wafi. He is a student. He is 7 years old.
I have a home on pantenan village. My home is rather big. I have a garden behind of my home. Behind of my garden is farm. There are many papaya trees.
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BalasHapusAssalaamualaikum Wr.Wb...
BalasHapusWa2n your blog is good, i like that..
But your ABOUT ME is low...
And your clock make me afraid..
Wassalaamualaikum Wr.Wb
BalasHapusyour write is good!
BalasHapuswa2n your write is low and very bright
and your wallpaper is g-o-o-d but too weight
BalasHapusyour write is good but your about me is very short story
Assalamualaikum. . . . .
BalasHapuswa2n your write is good and full colour,
but your write is low
Wassalamualikum. . . . .
BalasHapusyour blog is very good.
I like your blog.